TIS School Profile

mountain range

Telluride Intermediate Middle School

At TIMS all staff members have a responsibility to…
… maintain high expectations for student learning. We will teach for understanding, assess our students frequently, provide feedback, and provide all students with a variety of opportunities to demonstrate their mastery of learning outcomes.
... help our students identify and meet challenging goals.
…promote a positive school climate by modeling the qualities and characteristics that we hope to instill in our students.
... provide a welcoming and safe classroom environment for all students. Students will be respected for who they are.
... ensure that all students are prepared for assessments by providing them with a standards based curriculum, flexible grouping strategies, engaging activities, and meaningful feedback.
... respect the fact that students have different learning styles and will design our instruction accordingly.
... work collaboratively to monitor the results of our efforts, and use the evidence to continually improve programs for our students.
... reflect upon our instructional and professional practices, and always strive to improve the program for our students.
... reach out to the parents of our students and the community by communicating closely, listening and responding to concerns, and creating shared learning experiences.
… celebrate our students’ and colleagues’ accomplishments.
Our Students’ Right to Learn
 It is the goal of Telluride Intermediate Middle School to create a safe and positive environment that promotes productive learning. The following student rights are based upon common sense, courtesy, consideration of safety, and respect for the rights of others: 
The right to a positive learning environment - All students have the right to learn, and no one has the right to interfere with that learning.
The right to be respected - All students have the right to be respected for who they are.
The right to learn in a safe environment - All students have the right to feel emotionally and physically safe in their school.
 The right to learn in a substance free environment - In accordance with Colorado State law, all students have the right to learn in a drug, alcohol, and tobacco free school.
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